Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Thing #3

I am a firm believer in allowing students to voice their opinions through an appropriate media with an appropriate but real audience. I also believe that educators can do the exact same thing. With educators being able to track their successes, failures, ideas, and suggestions from a different viewpoint on teaching that they can share with the education world.As an educator, I would use a personal blog that my students would be able to access for information, homework, a place where they may feel safer to discuss topics that were brought up in class, or a way to share what my class is doing with parents. The ways in which I may use a blog at the student level would be to create student written blogs that pertain to writing prompts that week, or a blog that tracks how students feel and what they are thinking while working on a project, or a place for students to appropriately express their feelings about their school day.I also think this would be a good way for students to build an online e-portfolio of their writing prompts and be able to comment on how they think they did and allow other classmates to appropriately offer encouragement, criticism and ideas.

Thing #2

Creating this blog was....interesting. First of all, I needed to fight the urge to cower back to my comfort zone. Blogs have never really been my cup of tea. Of course in school, I was always writing papers that were already predetermined how and what I was going to write. Reading books were too easy because the author would guide me on how I was to feel, or understand, or picture what they were writing about. But, I have never been able to just write down what I was thinking without some kind of predestined format to precede it.
Lucky for me, setting up my blog was somewhat easy and quick. Selecting my blog name was actually a piece of cake since the first letter of my last name rhymes with 23. Picking a theme for my blog was the thing that took the most time because I wanted it to reflect my personality. I was fun trying to create my avatar to look like me. I decided to go with an accurate avatar because I always remain true to myself. I never try to be anyone but the best version of myself.

Thing #1

Life long learning..... This is definitely something that I feel most people take for granted, or forget to do. I believe this is one of our greatest gifts; to be able to continuously learn and grow no matter our age or ability. Every interaction is a learning opportunity. We just need to open our mind up to the idea. I have found myself always taking full advantage of my ability to be a lifelong learner. There are definite things that I know are my strong points, and some that are my weakest when it comes to me growing as a person, student and future educator. My strongest habit I have in becoming a lifelong learner is my ability to set goals way ahead in the future, and without much trouble, I am able to reach 99% of those goals. Goal setting is not the problem. Where my true kryptonite lay, is within my lack of ability to view problems as challenges. I don't like things getting in my way, or slowing the achievement of my goals down. Those unforeseen issues are like a thorn in my side. I am aware of this inability to get past this habit and try to work towards viewing problems as a character builder and a learning opportunity, not only for that specific problem, but  for myself personally.

This blog is definitely helping me in the journey of being a lifelong learner. I have never blogged before or knew how to do it! This is definitely out of my comfort zone, but I am enjoying it so far. It was really simple setting up the blog, and surprisingly easy to figure out what I want to say.